Mid City West Neighborhood Council 2023-2025 at their inaugural July 11, 2023 meeting
Contact Us
Due to COVID-19, Mid City West Neighborhood Council does not currently have an open office space. For all mail queries, please use the following address:
Mid City West Neighborhood Council
5101 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 8
PMB # 268
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 285-3540
Executive Council (executive@midcitywest.org)
Arts & Recreation Committee (artsrecyouth@midcitywest.org)
Economic Development Committee (economicdev@midcitywest.org)
Homelessness, Refugees & Renters Rights (HRRRTs or “Hearts”) Committee (hrrrts@midcitywest.org)
Outreach & Civic Engagement Committee (outreach@midcitywest.org)
Planning & Land Use Committee (landuse@midcitywest.org)
Public Safety & Wellbeing Committee (publicsafety@midcitywest.org)
Social & Racial Equity Committee (sre@midcitywest.org)
Transportation & Sustainability Committee (tps@midcitywest.org)
Public Records Requests
To make a public records request, please email it to executive@midcitywest.org.
Fees may apply for copies. For documents up to 8.5 x 14, the cost is per request $.10 per page. For larger documents or electronic records, the cost is the actual cost of producing a copy. $20 for CDs/DVDs. The city cannot charge a research fee or charge to inspect documents.
LAAC Sec 12.40 and Sec 20.51.